Thursday, December 6, 2012

More Random Tidibts (Illustrated version)

1.  Given the choice, I eat donuts with a knife and a fork. 

2.  When I was in junior high I trained my dog, Cookie, to jump so high that she could literally jump up and lick people on the lips.  Very entertaining.

3.  Today I wrote a formula in Excel that was so long it filled up the entire formula field - and what's more it worked! 

4.  I am a skilled pop up card maker.  See proof below.

5.  It takes every amount of concentration for me NOT to run up the stairs two at a time when I'm in dignified company.

6.  I once made a cake out of meatloaf and mashed potatoes (decorated with ketchup and mustard) for a roommate who didn't like cake.

7.  Last week I paid $25 for a single song. I fell in love with it and it wasn't available any other way so what could I do? 

8.  While I was at Geology Field Camp I went to a testicle eating festival.  It was the most hick thing I've ever done. 

9.  If I were a Who, this is what I would look like:


  1. I found every single one of these tidbits fascinating.

  2. I totally remember your "Who hair"! Other than that...I only partly knew that list of random tidbits.
