Monday, December 10, 2012

Cute little kidlets

Little kids are basically the greatest ever.  This weekend I got to drive to Wyoming and hang out with two super cute ones (pictured below).  These are my cousin's kids and I got to spend basically the whole weekend playing with them.

This is McKinley (aka Kinners).  She is three and a half and has the most adorable little curls.

And this is her sister, Katie.  She is 13 months old and has the cutest scrunched-up face grin.  I could listen to her giggle all day.

On Saturday I got to unexpectedly babysit them for a good chunk of the day and we basically had a party.  We made a "cupcake" out of corn, grapes, artichokes, and all sorts of other deliciousness.  We played with bubbles.  We got attacked by blanket monsters.  And we painted our nails.  Kinners did mine - not bad for a three year old right?
Now if only I could find some nail polish remover . . .

1 comment:

  1. Rob I can just see you playing these little games and getting super into it. I wish I could be more like that.
