Sunday, November 28, 2010

Didju know?

While we were eating Thanksgiving dinner my family and I got into a fascinating conversation, swapping random facts back and forth. I know, I know, we're nerds, but I love playing "Didju Know" - In fact, I've decided to drop Geology as my major and just go into Random-Fact-Maker-Upping instead. I think I'd be really talented at it.

Did you know . . .

In Brazil, there's a species of cockroach that eats eyelashes, usually those of young children while they are asleep.


  1. ew. ew. i think you wrote this post for the sole purpose of making me gag.

  2. That. Is. Disgusting. To the maximum. (To quote you :) )

  3. What? I think Carli does that too...
