Sunday, November 25, 2012

My Type

Today I sorted through twenty years' worth of memories and I came across so many gems - I was literally laughing out loud at some of the funny things I found. 

One of the papers I found was a letter I wrote in Young Women's when I was 16, addressed to my husband, to be read the day before we get married.  Let me tell you, it's pretty classy - it begins:

"Dear Hubby,
Right now I feel like all boys are dirt and I'll never marry, so if I'm getting ready to marry you now you must be one pretty amazing guy."

Apparently I was having boy problems at the time, ha ha. 

Along the same lines, I found two pretty interesting lists - one I wrote in junior high of all the attributes I wanted my future husband to have.  For a thirteen-year-old, it was surprisingly thoughtful.  The full list has 27 characteristics, but some of them include: 
  • treats inferiors with respect
  • good with children
  • not cocky; humble
  • likes knowledge
  • can admit he's wrong or sorry
  • compromises
  • believes in equality
  • faithful; has integrity
And then I found another, less serious, paper entitled "My Type" - written sometime in high school.  This list also has 27 items such as:
  • can't have large nose
  • last name must start with a cool letter - l, d, c all good - and has to go well with my name and all my kid's names
  • first name must go well with Robyn (e.g. Bob and Rob)
  • must have clean fingernails
  • no facial hair (feels weird when kissing) - as if I knew that then
  • must like our six children's names
  • preferrably not a lard, though slightly lardish individual body parts okay (ie knees, pinkies, big toe, etc) 
Together that makes 54 characteristics that describe my future husband!  Anyone who has ever asked me before what my type is, feel free to see me and I'll give you a copy of the full list.


  1. This is so funny. This is exactly what I always imagined young women doing during one of those "who are you going to marry" lessons.
