Monday, August 8, 2011

27 random tidbits

1. The smell of dill makes me sneeze

2. I also sneeze when I'm excited

3. I still don't have my ears pierced

4. Papayas genuinely taste like throw up to me

5. I love water balloons. And throwing them at people.

6. If I could choose only three colors that the whole world would be made of, I would choose teal, brown, and white. I could look at those colors together forever and not get sick of them

7. I had a security blanket when I was little that I carried around with me everywhere. Even once I stopped carrying it with me I still slept with it on my pillow every night til I was like 12

8. I went through a phase in high school where I got really into spray painting. I spray painted our croquet balls, my sister's dresser, even the shed in our backyard - bright blue walls, black doors, and a solar system all over the roof

9. October is my absolute favorite month

10. The last time I threw up was when I was 12 years old

11. I love Aquafresh toothpaste. Mmmm it's the greatest ever

12. I couldn't swallow pills (of any size) until Margaret taught me how our first year rooming together

13. Graphing calculators give me a warm fuzzy feeling inside. Yes, I'm a nerd

14. I have never had the chicken pox, even though both my siblings exposed me to it

15. I fastidiously wax my car, Rickie, every six months

16. I collected jolly ranchers when I was little. I had some pretty crazy flavors too - rasberry lemonade, tangerine, banana pineapple

17. I love melk with all my heart

18. I once rode an elephant. But I was only 1 so it doesn't count

19. I have a goal list I started in junior high with 73 things on it. #7 is Go to all the dances in high school. Oops, guess I missed that one

20. Goal #63 is to learn to whistle

21. Goal #56 is to climb to the top of the crow's nest in a ship

22. From 5th grade until I hit high school my favorite book was The Lord of the Rings

23. There was a 10-foot wide canal running between our high school and our seminary building and my favorite thing to do in high school was to leap across it. Occasionally my classmates would try and imitate me and once or twice someone wouldn't make it all the way across and would get all muddy and smell like a rotten egg for the rest of the day. It was hilarious

24. I once had over 300 digits of pi memorized. But now I'm down to 110

25. I would love to get way into scrapbooking but I don't know where to begin. Plus it takes so much time

26. I currently have a bag of groceries sitting my car waiting for the next time I pass a person with one of those cardboard "Need Help" signs

27. I have a new favorite sport. It's called Ultimate Balloon and I intend to get a group together to play it one of these days


  1. This was positively awesome! I actually remember you jumping the canal and I always thought you were quite legit although I never tried it myself. Also, Ultimate Balloon...I'm in!

  2. Ha ha sneeze when you're excited...we need to smurf again soon

  3. I wanna play ultimate balloon.
